Home Security Audit Checklist

Residential Locksmith Services In Leander Texas by Austin LocksmithsWhen you have a plan for the security of your home, it puts you at a safe haven. Below is a list of “Yes”, “No” questions that you can use to make sure that your home is as secure as possible


  • Do you check the doors and windows before you leave home?
  • Do you keep the doors and windows locked while you are home?
  • Do you check the windows/doors at least once a day while you are home?
  • When you are away do you leave your blinds closed?
  • When away from home do you leave the radio on to a talk show station?
  • When you answer the door, do you look out the peephole first?
  • When you talk to strangers, do you avoid giving them too much information?
  • If you have firearms, are they unloaded and locked away safely?
  • Do you have insurance that will cover the cost of replacing stolen Or destroyed items?


  • Do trees and shrubbery obscure your doors and windows?
  • Do shrubbery or other structures provide a place where an intruder could hide?
  • Does your home residence appearance give the impression that no one is home?
  • Are storage sheds or buildings unlocked?
  • Is the garage door unlocked or open?
  • Do you have a privacy fence?
  • Are there basement windows or an exterior
  • Basement door which is unlocked or easily opened?
  • Are there any second floor windows that are unlocked?
  • Are there entrances to your home that are unlighted at night?

Your home security is an integral of the safety of you and your family members, the checklist is designed to give you an insight on what you should be doing and things you are doing wrong. Want a free home security audit and let the pro’s here at Austin Locksmith’s make you feel more secure? Hire our free home security audit services today. One of our experienced residential locksmiths will assist you right away.